Your Privacy Choices

Our Commitment to Privacy
At Kodak Paint and GDB Paint & Coatings, we are committed to protecting your privacy. Our pledge is to safeguard any personal information that you provide us and to use your personal information appropriately.
Information for European (EEA) Residents
If you are located in the European Economic Area, please refer to our supplemental privacy notice for additional information required by the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Information for California (CA) Residents
If you are a resident of California, please refer to our supplemental privacy notice for additional information required by the California Consumer Privacy Act.
Information for Brazilian Residents
If you are located in Brazil, please refer to our supplemental privacy notice for additional information required by Federal Law No. 13,709/2018 - General Data Protection Law of Brazil ("LGPD").
Information for Cloud Services Customers
Please refer to our Privacy Statement for Cloud Services Customers.
Privacy Notice for Professionals and Consumers
Your Personal Information
Contact Information
Representative Data Elements
Your name, previous names and preferred names
Business or residential mailing address
Email address
Work, home or mobile telephone numbers
We collect this information from you and from third party data suppliers, such as services that provide sales leads. We may also obtain your information from publicly available sources, such as LinkedIn. We may use a service provider to update or standardize mailing addresses.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
Primary Purposes for Collecting
Categories of Recipients
We disclose contact information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as couriers and telecommunications providers who delivery our communications.
Government-issued Identification Numbers
Representative Data Elements
We collect this information from you.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
Categories of Recipients
We disclose this information to service providers and contractors and others, such as payment processors, auditors and government agencies.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose this information to service providers and contractors and others, such as payment processors, auditors and government agencies.
Other Unique Identifiers
Representative Data Elements
We assign a unique identification number to you when you become a customer or a supplier. We collect device identifiers and other unique identifiers from your devices and from our websites, apps and platforms, which use cookies and other data collection technologies.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use unique identifiers to identify you or your device, including to associate you with different devices that you may use, for internal record-keeping and reporting, including for data matching and analytics, and to track your interactions with us, including for ad delivery and personalization.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose these identifiers to our service providers, contractors and others, such as entities that assist with our information technology programs (such as website hosting companies) or administer promotions. We may also disclose these identifiers to auditors and companies that assist with security and fraud prevention.

Advertising identifiers are shared with third parties as part of our online advertising programs. You can opt out of this sharing by exercising
Your Privacy Choices.
Business to Business Relationship Information
Representative Data Elements
If you are a professional, we collect this type of information from you and from your company. We also collect B2B data from publicly available sources, such as LinkedIn, or from companies that supply leads, such as data brokers or trade shows.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use this type of information to fulfill our business relationship with you and/or our commercial partner. We also use it to develop and maintain our relationship with you, including by sending you marketing communications, personalized offers and invitations, and for internal business purposes, such as customer service, quality control, training, reporting and analytics, risk management and compliance.
Categories of Recipients
We may disclose this type of information to our service providers and contractors, to the company you work for, and other companies (such as your company’s affiliates and service providers), as needed for the commercial relationship, such as including your information on purchases that you authorize or completing satisfaction surveys from your company.
Categories of Recipients
We may disclose this type of information to our service providers and contractors, to the company you work for, and other companies (such as your company’s affiliates and service providers), as needed for the commercial relationship, such as including your information on purchases that you authorize or completing satisfaction surveys from your company.
Consumer Relationship Information
Representative Data Elements
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use this type of information to better understand you and to understand our customers generally, to design products, services and programs that appeal to our customers, including loyalty programs, to identify prospective customers and for internal business purposes, such as marketing, quality control, training and analytics.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose consumer information to our service providers and contractors.As permitted by law, we may disclose consumer information to retail and marketing partners, such as companies that provide products in our Online Store, and companies with whom we have similar relationships. While we do not sell consumer information for monetary consideration, consumer information may be shared with third parties as part of our online advertising programs. You can opt out of this sharing by exercising Your Privacy Choices.
Transaction Information
Representative Data Elements
We collect this type of information from you and (if you are a professional) from your company. We receive this type of information from our service providers and contractors and from other companies, such as our payment processors, resellers or agents.

We may collect this information automatically when you visit our facilities or use our websites or apps. For example, our apps automatically log access requests, downloads and other transactions
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use this type of information to fulfill our business relationship with you and/or your company, including for customer service, recordkeeping, compliance, and dispute resolution, and to administer programs, such as promotions. We also use this information for our internal business purposes, such as finance, quality control, training, reporting and analytics, and for risk management, fraud prevention and similar purposes.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose transaction information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as to other entities as needed to complete the transaction, including delivery companies, agents and manufacturers, and to our auditors, financial institutions, and government agencies. If you are a professional, we may disclose this information to your company.
Financial information
Representative Data Elements
We collect this type of information from you and from our service providers, financial institutions and payment processors. For transactions in our online stores, payment card information is collected by our payment processors and not stored by Kodak Paint and GDB Paint & Coatings.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use financial information to fulfill our business relationship with you, such as processing payments, issuing refunds and collections, and for internal business purposes, such as finance functions, audits, fraud prevention and compliance.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose financial information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as payment processors, financial institutions, auditors and government agencies.
Health Information
Representative Data Elements
Information needed to accommodate disabilities
Information about workplace accidents and occupational safety
We may collect health information from you if you need assistance accessing our products, services or facilities. We may collect this heath information from you and from others, such as in connection with a workplace accident.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use health data to accommodate disabilities and enable accessibility of our products, services and facilities, and for occupational health and safety programs and other internal business purposes, such as risk management and compliance.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose health information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as healthcare providers, insurers, first responders (in the event of an emergency), or government agencies. We may also disclose health information to others if needed to provide you with an accommodation.
Health Information
Representative Data Elements
Information needed to accommodate disabilities
Information about workplace accidents and occupational safety
We may collect health information from you if you need assistance accessing our products, services or facilities. We may collect this heath information from you and from others, such as in connection with a workplace accident.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use health data to accommodate disabilities and enable accessibility of our products, services and facilities, and for occupational health and safety programs and other internal business purposes, such as risk management and compliance.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose health information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as healthcare providers, insurers, first responders (in the event of an emergency), or government agencies. We may also disclose health information to others if needed to provide you with an accommodation.
Online & Technical Information
Please read our statement about Cookies & Online Privacy for additional information.
Representative Data Elements
IP address
Device identifiers and other information about devices that connect to our networks
Precise geolocation data from your device
System and server logs, including access logs
Data from cookies, pixel tags or other online tools
We collect this type of information from your computer or devices when you interact with our platforms, websites and applications. For example, when you visit our websites, our server logs record your IP address and other information. We may also receive this information from others, such as security services and advertising partners.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use technical information for system administration, technology management, including optimizing our websites and applications, and for information security and cybersecurity purposes, including detecting threats to our networks and systems.

We use precise geolocation data to provide location-based services. We may also use this information for information security and fraud prevents, and for internal business purposes, such as analytics.

We also use online and technical information for personalization, to better understand our customers and prospective customers and to enhance our relationship information, including by associating you with different devices and browsers, and for online targeting and advertising purposes.
Categories of Recipients
We may disclose this type of information to our service providers and contractors, and others such as companies that support our information technology and cybersecurity programs. We do not share precise geolocation data, but other Online and Technical Information may be shared with third parties as part of our online advertising programs. You can opt out of this sharing by exercising Your Privacy Choices.
Audio Visual Information
Representative Data Elements
Video images, videoconference records
CCTV recordings
Call center recordings and call monitoring records
We collect this type of information from you and from publicly available sources, such as social media sites. We may also collect this information automatically, such as when we record calls to our call center and use CCTV cameras in our facilities.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use this type of information for internal business purposes, such as call recordings used for training, quality control, and compliance. We also use these data for relationship purposes, such as use of photos and videos for social media purposes or sentiment analytics, and for security purposes and loss prevention.
Categories of Recipients
We may disclose this type of information to our service providers and contractors that support our information technology, security, and loss prevention programs.
Inferred and Derived Information
Representative Data Elements
Propensities, attributes and/or scores generated by internal analytics programs and used for marketing
Propensities, attributes and/or scores generated by internal analytics programs and used for information security and fraud purposes
We create inferred and derived data elements by analyzing other data, such as our relationship information, transactional information and online and technical information.
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We combine inferred data with other relationship information and use this type of information to better understand you and to understand our customers generally, to design products, services and programs that appeal to our customers, including loyalty programs, to identify prospective customers and for internal business purposes, such as quality control, training and analytics. We use inferred data to improve our security and fraud detection models.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose derived information to our service providers, contractors and others, such as management consulting firms and security firms.
Children’s Data
We do not knowingly collect, use or disclose any personal information of children under 16.
Compliance Data
Representative Data Elements
Primary Purposes for Collecting
We use compliance data for internal governance, corporate ethics programs, institutional risk management, reporting, demonstrating compliance and accountability externally, and as needed for litigation and defense of claims.
Categories of Recipients
We disclose compliance to our service providers, contractors and others, such as auditors, investigators, lawyers, advisors, government agencies and others as required by law.
Cookies and Online Privacy
Your Privacy Rights
Protecting Your Information
In the U.S., Kodak Paint and GDB Paint & Coatings collect Social Security numbers in the ordinary course of its business. Kodak Paint and GDB Paint & Coatings have implemented reasonable technical, physical and administrative safeguards to help protect the Social Security numbers from unlawful use and unauthorized disclosure. All associates and contractors are required to follow these established procedures, both online and offline. Access to Social Security numbers is limited to those employees and contractors who have a need to access the information to perform tasks for Kodak Paint and GDB Paint & Coatings. Social Security numbers are only disclosed to those service providers, auditors, advisors, and/or successors-in-interest who are legally or contractually obligated to protect them or as required or permitted by law.
International Transfers
Some of our sites may enable you to participate in public services such as discussion boards, chats, and live events. Please use discretion when posting personal data about yourself when using these services. Be aware when you disclose personal data at these sites, such as your name, member name, e-mail address, etc., the information may be collected and used by others to send unsolicited e-mail. The services are open to the public, and what you post there can be seen by anyone and is not protected.
Job Applicants
How to Reach Us
If you have questions or concerns about your privacy, please contact us by e-mail at or by mail to:

Eastman Kodak Company
Privacy Office
13th Floor, Bldg. 7343 State Street
Rochester, NY 14650-0205

Kodak Paint and GDB Paint & Coatings' Privacy Office will work with you to resolve any concerns you have.
Changes to this Privacy Notice
Kodak Paint and GDB Paint & Coatings reserve the right to update this Privacy Notice from time to time. In the event of a material change, we will post a prominent announcement on this page, and in the event of a material change that affects previously-collected personal information, we will notify customers whose personal information will be impacted by email.
[1] Everyday Business Purposes encompasses the Business Purposes (as defined by California law) and following related purposes for which any personal information may processed:

To provide the information, product or service requested by the individual or as reasonably expected given the context in which with the personal information was collected (such as customer credentialing, providing customer service and preference management, providing product updates, bug fixes or recalls, and dispute resolution)
For identity and credential management, including identity verification and authentication, system and technology administration
To protect the security and integrity of systems, networks, applications and data, including detecting, analyzing and resolving security threats, and collaborating with cybersecurity centers, consortia and law enforcement about imminent threats
For fraud detection and prevention,
For legal and regulatory compliance, including all uses and disclosures of personal information that are required by law or for reasonably needed for compliance with company policies and procedures, such as: anti-money laundering programs, security and incident response programs, intellectual property protection and anti-piracy programs, and corporate ethics and compliance hotlines,
For corporate audit, analysis and reporting,
To enforce our contracts and to protect against injury, theft, legal liability, fraud or abuse, to protect people or property, including physical security programs
To de-identify the data or create aggregated datasets, such as for consolidating reporting, research or analytics,
To make back-up copies for business continuity and disaster recovery purposes, and
For corporate governance, including mergers, acquisitions and divestitures.